[SL쉿 정식 판매 시작!] 층간소음 방지 리커버리 실내화/슬리퍼

“아랫집 걱정 말고 Sorry 없이 즐겨라!”

즐거움 UP! 소음걱정 DOWN!

층간소음 방지 리커버리 실내화! SL쉿🥳


발걸음을 더 조용하게 : SL쉿


[SL쉿]이 WADIZ 펀딩 913% 달성!

여러분들의 관심과 사랑으로 SL쉿 펀딩을 성공적으로 마칠 수 있었습니다.

아쉽게도 구매하지 못하신 분이나 관심 가시는 분들을 위한!

이제 SL쉿 실내화를 네이버스토어 / 쿠팡 / 와디즈 스토어에서도 만나보실 수 있게 되었어요!💞

👉와디즈에서 사러가기

👉네이버스토어에서 사러가기

👉쿠팡에서 사러가기

[SL Shhh Wadiz Funding Open]

The Next Key's SL Shush has participated in the Sobok Market funding event hosted by WADIZ

I am very excited and nervous to present SL Shush, which I have been preparing for a very long time.

June 30, 2024, main funding opens!

Meet SL Shhh through various events and Wadiz special benefits!💙

Go to SL Shhh Funding


The breaking battle event was hosted by Break Easy with THE NEXT KI breaking shoes.

Breaking Battle event held in New Zealand by 47RONIIN
Hosted by THE NEXT KI Breaking Shoes and
We were together

In Samseong-dong, Seoul for 4 days from December 20th to 23rd, 2023.
THE NEXT KI at the ‘Seoul Design Festival’
I participated in the exhibition.

THE NEXT KI brand is scheduled to be released in Japan in March 24.

Workshop with BREAK EASY and B-Boy Frog! This workshop, actively sponsored by THE NEXT KI, was a fun opportunity to learn Frog's special movements.
